Immunization Requirements
Information regarding requirements, access to online forms, policies, or frequently asked questions can be found in this section.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Email is not a secure platform, please utilize the Wellness Portal to upload your requirements.
Immunization Navigators
Wellness at Penn
3535 Market street, Suite 60, Mezzanine
Philadelphia PA 19104
215-746-WELL (9355)
Direct: 215-746-4200
Insurance Requirements
All full time, dissertation and exchange students (in classes for one term or longer) are required to have comprehensive health insurance. The Penn Student insurance Plan (PSIP) is available for students who do not have insurance, whose plans do not provide coverage in the Philadelphia area, or whose plans do not meet our criteria for alternative insurance.
Insurance Navigators
Wellness at Penn
3535 Market street, Suite 60, Mezzanine
Philadelphia PA 19104
215-746-WELL (9355)
Direct: 215-746-4200