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Wellness at Penn is dedicated to caring for students during their academic journey while creating a campus-wide community of care. Our team is committed to offering a wide range of opportunities to access support, clinical resources, education, and practical tools to meaningfully engage with one's health and wellbeing.
Our vision is simple: we want to create a campus experience that integrates the science, theory, and practice of wellness. We will accomplish this by infusing wellness across its eight domains throughout the Penn experience through inclusive, innovative, and impactful initiatives. The eight domains of Wellness include: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, financial, occupational, and spiritual wellness. All of our initiatives are grounded in collaboration and fueled by CARE: compassion, accessibility, respect, and empowerment. 

Our organization is built upon two pillars: Student Health and Counseling and Public Health and Wellbeing. Both pillars operate collaboratively to create a campus community centered on wellness.


Wellness at Penn 2023-2024 Annual Report

Learn about the work and dedication of the Wellness at Penn team and the programs, initiatives, and accomplishments of the 2024-2025 academic year. 


annual report cover page